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Françoise Davoine



Doctorate in Sociology 1981

Classical studies, with agregation in classics 1966


Psychoanalyst in Paris, in private practice, after almost 30 years also in the setting of the public psychiatric hospital and outside consultation (Hôpital Paul Guiraud in Villejuif, suburbs of Paris).

Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Social Sciences University in Paris at the Ph.D. level)

At the EHESS, leaded with Jean-Max Gaudillière a weekly seminar, « Madness and the Social Link ».

Professional Associations

Member of the ex-Ecole Freudienne de Paris (ex because Jacques Lacan, who created this institute, dissolved it a few months before his death in 1981.)

Member of the International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoses, U.S. Chapter (presenting at the meetings of the ISPS since Torino 1988, at the invitation of Gaetano Benedetti.)


Publications >>

Seminars >>

Books >>

Leçons de la folie (Hermann, Paris, 2020)

Comme des fous. Folie et trauma dans Tristram Shandy  (Gallimard, Paris, 2017)

Don Quichotte pour combattre la mélancolie (Stock, Paris, 2012)

A bon entendeur, salut ! (author with Jean-Max Gaudillière – Stock, Paris, 2013)

History Beyond Trauma (author with Jean-Max Gaudillière – Other Press, New-York 2004), now translated in French (Histoire et Trauma, La Folie des Guerres, Paris, Stock, 2006)

Mère Folle (Paris, Arcanes 1998) translated into Spanish (Madre Loca) in Mexico, and into Finnish, currently being translated into English (2013)

La Folie Wittgenstein (Paris EPEL 1992), translated into English by William J. Hurst, Wittgenstein folly (YBK publishers, New York, 2012.)

Translated twice into Spanish: La locura Wittgenstein, in Mexico and Argentina, and into Greek.

Presenting regularly since 1979 at Austen Riggs Center, sometimes as Erikson Scholar, at the invitation of the Erikson Institute for Research.

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